Publications and dissemination


For project publications and final report, visit


Dissemination during the project period


February 2 – Alingsås Art Association
Jonathan Westin presents the project to Alingsås Art Association.

February 6 – “Arosenius abroad – Ivar Arosenius’ Art in international arenas”
Alexandra Herlitz presents a study within the project at the Department of Cultural Sciences’ research day, GU



February 14 – Future of the past
Jonathan Westin presents the project at the conference Future of the Past in Athens at the Swedish Institute.

April 20 – RAÄ färgforum
Jonathan Westin presents the project at National Heritage Boards color forum in Malmö.

April 26 – DigiKult
Jonathan Westin presents the project at DigiKult in Gothenburg

Myj 7 & 8 – Hjälmareds folkhögskola
Jonathan Westin presents the project at Christinae church in Alingsås.

May 14 – Museums and the internet (MAI-Tagung)
Alexandra Herlitz and Jonathan Westin present the work with the Art museum AR-app in Potsdam.

Oktober 16 – Senioruniversitetet i Alingsås
Jonathan Westin presents the project at Alingsås Kulturhus.

October 26 – NORDIK XII – “Staging Arosenius abroad – the use of digital scenographies for studies in critical historiography”
Alexandra Herlitz and Jonathan Westin present a study at the Nordic art history conference in Copenhagen.

December 4 – Näckrostimmen
Jonathan Westin and Dick Claesson present the project at the university library

December 11 – Svenska Rominstitutets Vänförening
Alexandra Herlitz and Jonathan Westin present a study within the project at the Christmas meeting of Svenska rominstitutets vänförening.



April 27 – Det gränslösa museet
Dick Claésson and Jonathan Westin present the project in Södertälje at the conference Det gränslösa museet.

May 14 – Litterär Vårsalong
Jonathan Westin and Dick Claésson present the projectand the virtual reality model during the event Litterär vårsalong at Gothenburg City Library.

September 12 – HumLab Umeå
Jonathan Westin presents the process of reconstruction at the open seminar “Virtual Dioramas as Spaces of Inquiry”.

September 30 – Forskartorget
Dick Claésson and Mats Malm present the project at Gothenburg Book Fair.

November 12 – Lödöse museum
Dick Claésson och Jonathan Westin present the project in Ale.



Mars 8 – Det närsynta landskapet. Open lecture at the University Library
Dick Claésson & Jonathan Westin

Mars 16 – Digital Humanities Nordic conference in Oslo
Jonathan Westin

April – Världens Gång i Älvängen
Jonathan Westin & Dick Claésson

July 13 – Digital Humanities conference in Krakow
Jonathan Westin presented a poster

September 21 – Det närsynta landskapet II. Open lecture in Älvängen.
Dick Claésson & Jonathan Westin

October 17 – Ivar Arosenius. GSU senior university
Jonathan Westin.



September 4 – Archive, Art and Activism-conference at University College London
Mats Malm, Cecilia Lindhé & Jonathan Westin

October 15 – Critical Heritage Studies at the Museum of World Culture.
Cecilia Lindhé & Jonathan Westin

November 4 – Open seminar at the University Library
Jonathan Westin